Friday, March 4, 2011

Hard to believe but Annie has not had a hair cut since they gave her a mohawk at the hospital, which will be 5 years in May.  Her mohawk was a result of her veins blowing from IVs.  They then came up with a brilliant plan to shave both sides of her head to find a spot for the IV.  I guess they had to do it...but really...shave a little girls head and leave her with a black mohawk!
This experience in hospital caused us lots of nightmares but obviously the hair thing was lasting.
Annie has been showing interest in cutting her hair much to her Daddy's dismay.  We thought it would be better for her to experience a hair cut at the salon rather than in her room with her favourite Hannah Montana scissors.  The picture below is her favourite hair dresser Jessie cutting her hair.  She let Jessie take about 3 inches off her hair.  We brought a baggie of her blond curly locks home for Daddy!